Falling Safely for Seniors

It was an honor and a privilege to co-present the Falling Safely for Seniors workshop with Erin Barger of COBRA Defense Cincinnati and Jacob Mills of Intuitive Movement, LLC at the Cincinnati Taekwondo Center this past Saturday. We had a fun, open minded, engaged crowd of 13 senior citizens. In only a span of a little over an hour we covered the topics of fall prevention, falling safely, navigating obstacles, getting back up, and everyone got a chance to successfully practice the physical skills.

Martial arts mindset, personal protection, self-defense, mobility and movement training are all methods that provide empowerment and improve quality of life. Typically, our worst adversaries are the limitations that our bodies minds and environment try to impose upon us. It was extremely satisfying to see participants learn new ways of thinking and learn new ways to move.

Going over simple movements that can be done to improve stability and balace, key for fall prevention.

Reviewing the mechanics of a safe fall before practicing.

Navigating the obstacle course.

Explaining how we can strengthen our anatomy.

Instructors and participants, all a little wiser than they were before.


EMAC Tournament Results!