Nikky is a newer student who started training due to circumstances she encountered as a result of the pandemic.
Eddie is one of our most consistent and loyal students mainly due to the fulfillment he has gotten on his martial arts journey.
Senior student at Red Tiger Martial Arts, Cameron H, gives us a glimpse of his martial arts experience. and talks about what keeps him focused.
Alex has been a member of Red Tiger Martial Arts for 3 years and has graciously shared the impact that practicing martial arts has had on his day-to-day.
James B Testamonial:
I had met some friends at a bar for happy hour in Middletown, OH, and I was walking down the sidewalk, back to my car through a residential neighborhood later that evening when I noticed a man standing in his front doorway yelling obscenities in my direction. It seemed to be only a few seconds after I first noticed him that he was running toward me with a baseball bat. For a split second, I thought this can't be happening to me but because my Red Tiger Martial Arts training emphasized accepting the reality of the situation and living in the moment, I knew I had to act fast. I used a technique that we had been practicing in class to keep the bat from making contact with my head, and I was able to immobilize the weapon. In that moment I remember Sifu Paul stating that it wasn't good enough to just not get hit in a combat situation like this. You have to follow through with your own counter attack, until you reach the point when your attacker is no longer a threat to your safety. My counter-attack was so effective that a couple of other guys ran out of the house to help their friend, the attacker, against me. At that point, I realized that I had to run to my car, in order to get to safety. Fortunately, my counter-attack was enough of a deterrent to the original attacker to keep him from pursuing and his friends’ priority was to check on his well-being. It is without a doubt that the concepts and tactics I learned from Sifu Paul Mason helped be get home safe that night.
-James Barrett
Cincinnati, OH
Christian is a younger member who brings a positive attitude and much tenacity to every class at Red Tiger Martial Arts.