Our Lineage

Sifu Paul Mason is a 4th Generation Disciple of Grand Master Ip Man. He is a Disciple of his Sifu, Master John Lambert, who is one of the Four Pillar Disciples of Grand Master Benny Meng. Grand Master Meng was a Disciple of Grand Master Moy Yat, who was himself a Disciple of Grand Master Ip Man. The legendary Bruce Lee was a student of Grand Master Ip Man, which in turn- following traditional Wing Chun family association-  makes him a Sibaak (Kung Fu uncle) of Grand Master Benny Meng. 

See a list of Sifu Mason’s accomplishments here.

Red Tiger Shaolin Wing Chun Kung Fu lineage: Ip Man, Bruce Lee, Moy Yat, Benny Meng, John Lambert, Sifu Paul Mason